American Jewish Committee
Established in 1906, AJC focuses on combating anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry; promoting pluralism and shared democratic values; supporting Israel's quest for peace and security; advocating for energy independence; and strengthening Jewish life.
B'nai B'rith
An international Jewish organization committed to the security and continuity of the Jewish people and the State of Israel, B'nai B'rith defends human rights, combats anti-Semitism, bigotry and ignorance, and provides service to the community on the broadest principles of humanity.
Bronx Jewish Community Relations Council
Bronx Jewish Community Council, Inc. represents the combined anti-poverty and service efforts of the five affiliated local Jewish Community Councils in the borough.
Jewish Funeral Directors of America
The JFDA is an international association of funeral homes that predominantly serve members of the Jewish faith.
Jewish War Veterans
Labor Zionist Alliance
The Labor Zionist Alliance is committed to peace, social justice and the centrality of Israel for the Jewish people.
National Funeral Directors Association
The NFDA is the worldwide resource and advocate across all facets of funeral service dedicated to high ethical standards and helping members provide meaningful service to families.
New York Board of Rabbis
A professional membership organization whose vision is to be the primary forum for rabbis within New York’s diverse rabbinical community -- including those who serve congregations, organizations, chaplaincies, communal service agencies, and schools -- for enhancing and expanding the Rabbinate’s role in the betterment of the Jewish people and the world at large.
New York State Funeral Directors Association
The mission of the NYSFDA is to enhance the environment in which our members operate and to promote the highest standards of funeral service to the public.
Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism promotes the role of the synagogue in Jewish life in order to motivate Conservative Jews to perform mitzvot encompassing ethical behavior, spirituality, Judaic learning, and ritual observance.
Workmen's Circle
Workmen’s Circle provides communities fellowship and a visionary safety net of health and education services, aiding Jewish families throughout the life cycle. The Workmen’s Circle is the welcoming home for new generations of Jewish families, cultivating Jewish community and culture, and standing up for social justice.
WJCS- Westchester Jewish Community Services
WJCS has a wide range of clinical and community-based mental health and counseling programs, home health services, assistance with learning difficulties and services for people with developmental disabilities that help children, adults and families who live or work in Westchester County.
Westchester Jewish Conference
The Westchester Jewish Conference is the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of Westchester County. The Conference voices the common concerns of the 8th largest Jewish community in the nation. WJC is committed to creating stronger ties and communication among its member organizations and the Jewish residents of Westchester. It also maintains relations with other Westchester ethnic and religious groups in order to address issues of community concern.
URJ- Union of Reform Judaism
URJ’s primary mission is to create and sustain vibrant Jewish congregations wherever Reform Jews live. It provides opportunities for individual growth and identity that congregations and individuals cannot provide by themselves, including camps and Israel programs, study kallot, and North American and regional biennials.